QA Is Back In Town #
QA Is Back In Town

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In video game development, an open line of communication between Production and QA is essential to shipping a project. These departments are responsible for identifying issues and prioritizing the order in which they're addressed, often leading to intense working conditions that feel both underwater and on fire at the same time. "QA Is Back In Town" is a context-free look into this process via the medium of memes. The collection's name is drawn from the Google Chat group of the same title, shared between the QA and Production departments during the development of Avalanche Studios' Just Cause 4 (2016 - 2018). The 111 piece collection is curated from over 600 images, gifs and bug reports exchanged during the course of development and downloaded in bulk at the project's conclusion. Everything is presented as is, including the original file names. What's revealed in aggregate is a unique blend of daily developer life, gallows humor, video game influences and internet absurdity of a particular vintage.

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