My brother's drawings #
My brother's drawings

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Once upon a time in the kingdom of magic there lived a girl named Lola. She had an amazing gift - the ability to talk to animals. Lola spent her days in the forest talking to hares, birds, and squirrels. They told her about their worries and joys, and Lola helped them solve problems and have fun. One day an evil sorcerer kidnapped a prince from a neighboring kingdom, and Lola decided to help. She set off on a dangerous journey through dark forests and mountains to rescue the prince and bring him back. With the help of her gift and courage, Lola was able to overcome all obstacles, meeting friendly elves and kind dragons along the way. In the end, through her perseverance and kindness, Lola freed the prince and brought him home. The king and queen were grateful to her, and they offered Lola to become a member of their family. And Lola accepted gladly, knowing that now she would have a new family and many new friends.

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