My brother's drawings #
My brother's drawings

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Once upon a time in a small village there lived a girl named Leah. She was a very clever and curious girl who was always eager for new adventures. Leah often walked through the forest and looked for interesting finds. One day, she discovered an old book with mysterious stories about magical creatures. Very intrigued, Leah decided to explore every page of this mysterious book. With each new story, Leah delved deeper into a world of magic and fantasy. She dreamed of visiting Wonderland herself and meeting magical creatures. And then one day, after reading the last page of the book, Leah realized that magic had actually been inside her all along. She realized that everyone can be the hero of their own fairy tale, if only they believe in themselves and their powers. And Leah set off in search of new adventures, full of confidence that real magic lived in her heart. After all, every fairy tale begins with a small step into the unknown!

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