My brother's drawings #
My brother's drawings

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Once upon a time in a mysterious garden there was a cat named Green, who was the color of a ripe avocado. He was a special cat because his fur was the same color as the fruit itself. Green was a very curious and cheerful cat who was always entertaining the other animals with his antics. One day, avocados started disappearing in the garden, and everyone suspected Green's cat of being responsible. But he knew it wasn't his fault and decided to get to the bottom of it. He went in search of the real thief and thanks to his cleverness and cunning he found out that the thief was an evil magpie who had stolen the avocados to chase the other animals out of the garden. Green was able to get the avocado back and defeat the evil magpie, becoming a hero among all the inhabitants of the garden. Since then, Green's cat has been a symbol of kindness, friendship, and bravery, and his story has been passed on by word of mouth as an example that cats of unusual color can do great things.

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