My brother's drawings #
My brother's drawings

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In a distant land there was a tea that was famous for its amazing property of bringing good luck to its drinker. Legend had it that whoever drank this tea would find good luck and success in all endeavors. One day, a young merchant named Li went in search of this tea, wanting to change his life for the better. He traveled through mountains and valleys, encountering difficulties and dangers, but never gave up hope. Finally, Lee found an old tea master who had the recipe for this amazing tea. The master taught Lee how to brew the tea properly and said that good fortune will come to the one who believes in his own strength. Lee drank a cup of tea and felt a spark of good fortune light up in his heart. With each passing day, amazing things began to happen for Lee - his business flourished, his relationships with his loved ones improved, and his life was filled with joy and prosperity. Lee became an example for other people, showing that luck and success can be attracted if you believe in yourself and your strength. Since then, good luck tea has become a symbol of believing in oneself and one's abilities. People from all over the world were eager to try this tea

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