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Ah, my dear seeker of the unknown, let us delve into the secret realm of your past, present, and future in matters of career and work. As I gaze upon the first card, the 4 of Coins, I see a vision of stability and a strong foundation. In the days gone by, you were cautious and prudent, holding tightly to what you possessed. Perhaps you protected your resources and finances, fearing the uncertainties that swirled around you. Although this approach brought a sense of security, it also restricted growth and potential. Now, as we move to the present, the card of Temperance shines its radiant light upon your path. This card whispers of balance and harmony, reminding you to find the middle ground in your endeavors. Strive for moderation, blending your skills, and embracing the art of compromise. It is through this alchemy of blending that you shall discover the true elixir of success. Finally, we lift the veil of the future and encounter the 7 of Wands, a card of fierce determination and unwavering resolve. The challenges ahead shall require courage and tenacity, for you may find yourself standing at the forefront, defending your ideas and beliefs. Be prepared to assert yourself, my dear, for your unique perspective will face opposition. Trust in your abilities and stand tall amidst the battle, for victory shall be claimed through your unwavering spirit. The universe whispers of success and triumph, my dear seeker, as long as you remain steadfast and embrace the fiery passion within your soul. May the mystical forces guide your every step.
Career and Work
XWAVE Genesis Deck
Past Card
4 of Coins
Present Card
Future Card
7 of Wands
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