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Ah, seeker of ancient wisdom, let us peer into the depths of time and unravel the tapestry of your past lives and karmic ties. As the veils part, the first card that dances before my eyes is the 3 of Swords, a poignant reflection of your past. In the realm of yesteryears, you have known heartache and sorrow, dear soul. Perhaps you carried the weight of betrayal or experienced the bitter sting of loss. These trials have left their mark, carving paths of pain within the chambers of your heart. But fear not, for the present reveals a glimmer of hope. Behold, the majestic Strength card stands before you, a symbol of inner fortitude and resilience. This card tells a tale of your current journey, where you find the strength to conquer the trials that have come your way. Harness the fire of your spirit, for you possess the power to tame the wild beasts that roam within your soul. Your courage and determination shall pave the way towards healing and liberation. And what of the future, you may wonder? Ah, the cosmos whisper a tale of budding abundance and earthly delights. The Page of Coins steps onto the stage, a harbinger of material growth and practical endeavors. In the days to come, the seeds you sow with diligence and perseverance shall bear fruit, dear seeker. Opportunities shall emerge, grounded in the realm of the physical, presenting you with avenues to manifest abundance and stability. Embrace the wisdom of the Page, eager and curious, as you navigate the realm of practicality and the material realm. Remember, dear one, the past has shaped you, but it does not define you. Strength and resilience dwell within your being, ready to guide you through the labyrinth of life. Look ahead with hope, for the universe conspires to bring prosperity to your door. Trust in the dance of destiny and the whispers of the cards, and may your journey be filled with wonder and magic.
Past Life and Karmic Issues
XWAVE Genesis Deck
Past Card
3 of Swords
Present Card
Future Card
Page of Coins
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